Emergency Phone no. - 0532-2407337, 2407430, 2408288, 2408292
E-mail :nazarethhospital@reddiffmail.com, nazarethmultihospital@gmail.com
Current Updates
Updated On: 28-Apr-2018

HEALTH AND WELLNESS AWARD TO Fr Reginald D'Souza, Dr. Ashok Agarwal &Dr. Bharat Arora Honorable Keshav Prasad Maurya l

Best Medical Solution Presented Health and Wellness Award to Fr Reginald D'Souza, Dr. Ashok Agarwal and Dr Bharat Arora of Zazareth Hospital on 28th April 2018 by Honouarble Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. 
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